
Read personal stories from clients, colleagues, and friends who’ve experienced the power of Connect5 Consulting. These testimonials highlight the genuine, life-changing relationships we've helped create.



Courtney has clearly done the research and personal work needed to deliver an excellent workshop filled with information and activities that will help me take my relationship skills to a new level. After attending Courtney’s workshop, I feel more confident about getting past my own blocks so I can build deeper friendship bonds and connect with community.
— Kate M.
Courtney is an expert storyteller and I learned so much from her personal experiences. Priceless!
— Alex T.
She is so good at this!!!!!!
— Cassidy L.
I can’t believe how much I learned in 90-minutes! It was fun and interesting and it felt great to be in room with such positive energy. I can’t wait to do it again!
— Tyler R.
Female Executive Coach


She consistently demonstrates her ability to bring out the best in everyone around her.
— Gerard G.
Courtney’s positive impact is undeniable, and I highly recommend her for any endeavor she pursues.
— Rebecca C.
I could write a 1000 words and still not say enough good things about her.”
— Chris M.
She brings a generous spirit, intelligence and joy to all that she does.
— Rikke A.
Her talent and patience are what I now strive to obtain.
— Pamela W.
Courtney truly is an award-winning producer and human.
— Robert R.
Courtney has great insight into what motivates a person and how to meet them where they are at. I have no doubt that Courtney’s already honed people skills and desire to continue to learn and grow, will be of great help to people who aspire to the same.
— Alex R.
Courtney is a very creative and exciting person to be around!
— Mark M.
Her abilities to lead her team through challenges, maintaining a positive approach and maximizing positive outcomes, is unparalleled.
— John M.
What truly distinguishes Courtney is her unwavering positivity and delightful sense of humor.
— Melissa G.


Best Friends Forever


TL:DR: “Her wit, candor and umpteen years of experience as being the best friend anyone could wish to have make her overqualified to teach any one or any group the qualities of what it takes to be a good friend.”

Courtney is a teacher. She’s a luminary, inspirer, mentor, influencer, nurturer, mother to many, leader, advocate and the best confidant anyone could have. Her trailblazing skills coupled with an intuitive nature to hone in on the good stuff, change mindsets paired with excellent listening skills can make any group or person come to life and reach their best potential. Her wit, candor and decades of experience as being the best friend anyone could wish to have make her overqualified to teach any one or any group the qualities of what it takes to be a good friend.

I’ve learned so much about myself through the beauty of true connection with Courtney. I’ve learned how to laugh with my body, heart and soul. I’ve learned telepathy and how to communicate intentions with the look of an eye (doing all honest and innocent actions, of course). I’ve learned how important and cherished close friends are; they’re your rock, your safe place, your lifeline. There is no one better than your BFF to give sound and objective advice as she looks through transparent lenses, knowing your history, seeing patterns, knowing your true self. And if advice isn’t warranted, she knows how to listen, ask the right questions, give comfort, give praise. She knows when to step in and when to step back. She also knows how to advocate for herself with what her needs and boundaries are creating healthy relationships for a healthy synergy.

I would not be the amazing woman I am today if not for this sensational woman right here.

Men and women can be friends


TL:DR: Courtney is the most caring, thoughtful person I know.

Courtney has always been a fantastic listener. She truly has a gift to make whomever she's dealing with feel heard and important. From the moment you see Courtney, you'll be smiling with her. She has an infectious charisma and I believe wholeheartedly she's going to change lives through her ability to listen, empathize and be vulnerable.


TL:DR: “I can't imagine my life now without her.”

Courtney IS a good friend. One of the best. She works hard at it and she is consistent with everyone. She has had to take many falls and has been hurt and disappointed in friendships. She knows how to get back up and find the balance. She knows how to put proper boundaries in place. How to communicate effectively. She doesn't abandon people. Courtney shows up!

Courtney's friendship means the world to me. She is fiercely loyal, honest and lovable. She is smart, funny and beautiful. I can't imagine my life now without her. She has taught me what authenticity looks like and how to be open-minded and accepting of my own weaknesses/flaws and of others. She is incredible at being a champion and highlighting peoples strengths!

Support for executive women


TL:DR: “Courtney is a friendship rock star.”

She has what can only be described as a special genius when it comes to friendship, though that might imply something effortless, when really the source of her gift is her conscious commitment to making the effort, the thoughtful intentionality of her actions. She reaches out, she checks in, she shows up, she makes the call, she writes the note. She is the rock of our group of friends, the steady one we all rely on, our ride or die. Others will be late, cancel at the last minute, not follow through. Never Courtney. She is the organizer when things are chaotic, the planner when things are in limbo. She's the keeper of the calendar who doesn’t just remember your birthday,, but reminds all your other friends too. She’s the comforter when we are sick or sad; the sensitive listener with a ready ear, a hug, a meal. And yet she is never overbearing. She knows when to step back, to give space, to say, “I’m here when you need me, I’ll be here when you’re ready. I haven’t forgotten, I’m thinking of you. You’re not alone.” But best all, Courtney is fun! She’s a joy to be around: quick with a laugh, spirited, lively, silly, curious, game for just about anything. This girl is the whole package. She has so much to offer, and it’s just brilliant (and so very Courtney) that she’s going to try to bottle up a little of her magic and share it with the rest of us.

Make new friends, but keep the old.


Courtney is amazing! She has so much kindness and acceptance to show to the world. I 100% think she should share her kind soul with others! I was not always the best of friends but she always supported me and had my back! Just one of the best humans I know and I am so grateful for her love and acceptance!

Maintaining friendships for life.


TL:DR: “Courtney is undoubtably the best example of a friend I've seen in my 43 years.”

Courtney is an incredible communicator. She has taken some tough life experiences, done the hard work, and is ready to share with others. Her humor will make her a relatable teacher, while her compassion, courage and empathy will be contagious to her classroom. I cannot wait to see what she does in this new environment, as I honestly believe her teachings can and will create better humans in the world.

Courtney's friendship no doubt has saved my life. We learned early on that we could do hard things together. I've learned from Courtney (through real life moments) that friends are the family we CHOOSE. Courtney was the person that pulled me out of the ditch of divorce, held my weak body weeping with tears, she NEVER left my side. Offered her home, always picked up the phone, became a backbone and voice of strength during the darkest part of my life. She embodies honesty, challenges her peers in the best of ways, cheers on her people with a stubborn relentlessness. Courtney is loyal and devoted in all she does and has a incredible compass and balance in the ingredients that make a great relationship . As a friend, she is balanced yet adventurous, she pushes people while also making them feel safe and secure. Courtney is undoubtably the best example of a friend I've seen in my 43 years.

Executive Women in Charge


TL:DR: “Courtney is one of the most considerate friends I've made as an adult.”

From her immediate efforts to make me feel welcome, I learned the importance of creating a safe and inclusive environment where friendships can truly thrive. Her positive attitude is infectious, turning even the grumpiest bunch into a room full of laughter. Courtney's ability to uplift and motivate others is something I actively try to emulate in my own friendships. Her clear communication and ability to set boundaries make her a shining example of the importance of honesty and openness in friendships. She's the kind of person who truly goes the extra mile – her thoughtfulness knows no bounds, like driving 3 hours for a Secret Santa gift for a person she had never even met!

Work-Life Balance for Professionals


TL:DR: “Courtney has taught me about what a solid great friend can be.”

From remembering important dates, being a fantastic listener, offering both validation and playing devil's advocate when needed, to her amazing anecdotes that help get me through a tough spot and being great company. She checks so many boxes and then some. My friendship with Courtney means the world because she truly has an impact on my life, even though I now life thousands of miles away. She's helped me crawl out of dark holes and celebrated the wins. We've gotten closer over the years and I look forward to more years ahead, supporting each other through it all.

Courtney would be a natural as a teacher because she is thorough, organized, well researched, insightful, and gets along with many different personality types. She can offer nuanced feedback based on an individual's life experience/narrative, offering compassion and curiosity about what makes them tick. I believe one of her gifts would be to not to apply a "one size fits all" approach, giving each student an opportunity to learn more about their unique selves and discover how they can be the person/friend they desire.

Deepening friendships with women.


TL:DR: “What I love most about her is her willingness to listen and teach, sharing her own experiences in a way that is not attention grabbing, but supportive and understanding.”

They say exceptional circumstances can lead to exceptional friendships, and after meeting Courtney during a harrowing and life-perspective-altering travel experience I can say this is absolutely true. I made a few friends that summer of 2002 while backpacking in Europe, a couple of which are still around, but none of the other friendships have stood up to the challenges of distance, long absences and life changes in quite the same way. Courtney is a shining example of how to be open-hearted, inclusive, compassionate; and she never gives up no matter how long it’s been since you saw or spoke to each other. We have seen each other in person just a handful of times in 22 years and each time was a truly special event. We took turns visiting each other where we were living or adventuring…..Amsterdam, Rome, New Zealand, Melbourne, LA. A truly global friendship! Our mutual love of travel and experiencing new things has made for some great highlights, but even in the daily grind she always brightens up my day when we manage to find a moment between time zones to connect. What I love most about her is her willingness to listen and teach, sharing her own experiences in a way that is not attention grabbing, but supportive and understanding. I have learned a lot from her and have treasured every minute of the precious times we managed to be in the same damn place at the same damn time. Not an easy task, and in itself a testament to her tenacity, sense of adventure and drive for connection. I’m so excited about this new project, I know so many people will be able to benefit from the lessons, love and encouragement I have been blessed with since 2002. I’m a bit jealous actually!

How to build a support network


TL:DR: “Courtney is the friend who has truly taught me how to be a better friend. I’m always trying to learn by her example and become a better friend.”

Courtney would be an incredible teacher of how to be a good friend as an adult because #1-She is hilarious, witty and she has a ton of wonderful friends …which is a true testament to what a good friend she is. #2-She is smart as hell without making you feel like you’re not (even though most are not). #3-She just wants to make the world a better place by teaching people how to be a selfless friend, and in return, they will get the same treatment back. She really has unique friendship skills like nobody else I know.

Trauma-informed Friendship


TL:DR: “She teaches me every day what being a good friend means.”

I often like to say that my friendship with Courtney has been a corrective experience. She has taught me that friends won't always hurt or leave me. I feel empty and disconnected from most people, but when I spend time with Courtney, I do not feel empty. I trust her because of her compassion and how much she understands the pain I have gone through. She validates my feelings rather than tries to fix them. I want to be the type of friend she is for the people around me.

Friends Connect Like Sisters


Courtney is real. She’s that genuine friend that sends you a heart emoji out of the blue to say “I’m thinking of you and I love you”. She’s that friend that will give you the hard truth. I trust her with my deepest secrets and know she is not judging me because of them. She is a listener, a mentor, a conversationalist, my special person, and I love having her in my life!

Adventurous Friends


Courtney is a ride or die kind of friend. I’m not even sure if she really knows the impact of how she shows up for her friends. She got me through one of the hardest times in my life. She believed in me when I questioned whether I could believe in myself. She listened (really listened) and authentically provided support at a time when I needed it most. I made it through the other side because of her friendship and support.


TL:DR: “Looking for your ride-or-die crew? Longing for more meaningful friendships? Work with Courtney. Her guidance will change your life—full stop.”

When I think "loyalty," I think of Courtney. Not only because of how fiercely she shows up for her people, but her grace, and her deep care. When I met Courtney, I had a mish-mash of either surface-level friendships, work buddies, or friendships that went deep fast and then totally flamed out. I didn't understand what it meant to *really* show up for a person until I watched her do it for her friends, and for me. In the process, she also taught me some incredibly actionable steps for showing up for the people I wanted to develop more meaningful relationships. Take it from me, a person who can barely remember her own birthday—follow Courtney's guidance, and you'll have your friends sending "Wow! That was so thoughtful" messages to you in no time. (They did for me!)


TL:DR: “She is a wonderful person on so many levels.”

Courtney is a great friend. She is reliable, trustworthy, caring and a great listener. My friendship with Courtney means a lot to me. She is open, honest, caring, supportive and thoughtful. She is interesting and intelligent. I love having Courtney in my life.

Courtney is totally qualified to teach a course on how to be a good friend. She is a good friend, and she understands what being a good friend is all about. She is also a great thinker, intellectually creative and has a lot of insight. She is organized and a clear speaker! I can't wait to hear what she has to say.

Friends make you feel seen, and they make you laugh.


TL:DR: “Courtney is one of the most honest people you’ll ever meet AND with good hair!”

Courtney is a very special woman, who not only can you trust with your private matters, but also that friend you can laugh and have the time of your life with. She shows up time after time, no matter what’s happening. Her sense of adventure truly makes me believe that if one day there is was an Apocalypse, she’d be the last one standing. Not me. I’ll be the one too busy crying in a fetal piston.

No barriers to friendship


TL:DR: “There’s no question in my mind that she’s an expert on how to keep friends.”

Courtney came into my life being of service to my very chronically, ill husband and that led to us becoming very close friends, long past my husband’s death.

She has navigated unbelievable challenges, fought against all kinds of crisis…And she ends up, making lifelong friends… And solves all the problems while she’s at it. She’s a female MacGyver… And instead of saving the world, she saves the day and lets everybody else feel good about it.